Traveling Adventures

travel - dive - life - food

howler monkey mum baby

Wild Howler Monkey Baby with family

A rare experience in the mayan jungle


On a 9 day jungle expedition through the mayan world we meet a wild howler monkey baby with family. During a visit at the temple of Yaxchilan in Mexico we experience something very rare.

Shark Attack or Love Bite? Shark eats GoPro

Shark attack filmed in Belize during a scuba dive on the San Pedro Canyon

The camera gets suddenly attacked by one of the hungry sharks during filming….

During the dive we get surrounded by lots of nurse and reef sharks.

Dancing with nurse sharks in Belize

Diving & Dancing with Nurse Sharks in Belize


These pictures where made during scuba diving with nurse sharks in San Pedro, La Isla Bonita in Belize. We could even play and dance with these beautiful nurse sharks in the marine park. Most of the sharks expect to get fed and they like getting very close in order to check out food possibilities.

picture lake atitlan


hi this is my first blog entry.

presenting some shots from Guatemala

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